Publication Ethics

JSRT is dedicated to promoting the most ethical publishing procedures and requires all submitting authors/reviewers/board members to adhere to the high standards of publication ethics established by the Commission on Publication Ethics (COPE). Any accusations of ethical misconduct are taken extremely seriously and handled in accordance with the COPE principles. These standards are entirely aligned with the COPE Transparency Principles and Best Practice Guidelines, as well as the COPE Code of Conduct. More information may be obtained at the Commission on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Responsibilities of Authors:

  • Originality & Plagiarism

JSRT uses TURNITIN as plagiairsm checking tool for all papers received, annd allowed limitation of plagiarism is below <15%. If found above paper will be rejected.

The writers should assure that their works are wholly unique, and that if they have utilized the work and/or words of others, this has been properly credited or quoted. Plagiarism and false data are strictly prohibited. If an instance of plagiarism or fake data is discovered after the paper's publication in JSRT & will undertake a preliminary inquiry. The author will also be notified by JSRT. The author might report the matter to JSRT by e-mail at If plagiarism is proven, JSRT will notify the author's institution and funding organizations, and JSRT will clearly label the plagiarism paper on the PDF of this work or officially withdraw the publication.

  • Publication & Submission fee

We charge a modest Paper Processing Fee (PPC)/Publication Fee when the manuscript is approved. The nominal article processing charge/publication charge is a fee charged to authors in order for their work to be become open access. This fee may be paid by the author, the author's institution, or the author's research funder. Click here for payment methods

  • Open Access Statement

Journal of Scientific Research And Technology (JSRT) makes all of its papers freely available to public with a belief in making research publicly promotes better global knowledge exchange. It denotes:

    • All articles published in JSRT are available online in their entirety without charge to any reader, and may be reprinted without further permission or payment as long as the source is properly cited.
  • Data Access & Retention

When submitting an article for peer review, authors should be prepared to provide the raw data used in the study and be open to providing public access to the data, as well as keeping the data available for at least a fair amount of time after the paper has been published.

  • Reporting Standards

Authors of original research papers should include an accurate overview of the work done as well as an impartial evaluation of its importance. The underlying data should be appropriately reported in the study. A paper should provide enough information and references to allow others to reproduce the work. Fraudulent or willfully incorrect remarks are unethical and must be avoided..


  • Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

In general, an author should not submit articles detailing basically the same study to more than one journal or principal publication. Submitting the same article to more than one journal at the same time is unethical and improper publishing behavior.

  •  Sources Acknowledgment

The work of others must always be properly acknowledged. Authors should reference publications that were significant in determining the character of the presented study.

  • Paper Authorship

Authorship of a study should be confined to those who had significant input into its conception, methodology, or analysis. Everyone who contributed significantly should be listed as a co-author. It is important to recognise and give credit to anyone else who helped with the research in any significant way. The corresponding author is responsible for making sure that all eligible co-authors are listed on the article, that no unsuitable co-authors are included, and that all co-authors have seen and accepted the final version of the work before it is submitted for publishing.

  • Conflicts of Interest & Disclosure

Any financial or other substantial conflict of interest that might be considered to affect the results or interpretation of their paper should be disclosed by all authors in their manuscript. All sources of funding for the project should be mentioned.

  • Fundamental errors in published works

It is the author's responsibility to notify the journal editor or publisher as soon as possible after discovering a serious error or inaccuracy in his or her published work, and to work with the editor to retract or make corrections in the paper

  • Dangers & Human or Animal Test Subjects

If the study includes substances, techniques, or equipment with dangers, the author must properly disclose these in the article.


Editors Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Duties of Editors

Fair Play: 
Without considering the writers' color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy, an editor always evaluates manuscripts based on their intellectual substance.

When a manuscript is submitted for consideration, neither the editor nor any member of the editorial team may reveal any details about the work to anybody other than the corresponding author, peer reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher.

Disclosure & Conflicts of Interest: 
The editor may not use any previously unpublished information from a submitted manuscript in his or her own research without the author's permission.

Publication Decisions: 
The editorial board of a journal is in charge of selecting the submissions that will be published.Such choices must always be guided by the verifiability of the work at hand and its significance to researchers and readers. The editors may be guided by journal's editorial practises and limited by the applicable laws at the time of publication with respect to issues like libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The editors may discuss this matter with other editors or reviewers.

Manuscripts Review: 
Each work must be initially assessed for originality by the editor, who must make sure of this. Peer review should be organised by the editor in a fair and thoughtful manner. In the material for authors, editors should outline their peer review procedures and specify which sections of the journal are peer reviewed. For manuscripts that are being considered for publication, the editor should use acceptable peer reviewers by choosing individuals with enough knowledge and avoiding those who have conflicts of interest.