Status Of Utilization Of Hearing Aids (Ha) By Learners With Hearing Impairment In Kenya


  • Masayi Dellilah Masters Student, Department of Early Childhood & Special Needs, Kenyatta University, Box 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Bunyasi Beatrice Senior Lecturer, Department of Early Childhood & Special Needs, Kenyatta University, Box 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.



Hearing Aids, Hearing Impairment, Technology, Challenges.


This study intended to establish the status of utilization of HA among learners in primary schools for Deaf learners and to explore the problems encountered by these learners while utilizing hearing aids. The study was carried out in two primary schools in Kenya and adopted descriptive survey research design approach. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the two schools that the study was carried out in. A sample of learners with hearing impairment and a headteacher from each school were selected purposively. Stratified random sampling was then used to select the learners. Two stratus were established, one stratum had learners with Has while the other had learners who were not utilizing HA. Simple random sampling was then used to select the sample population from the two strata. Data was collected from students using questionnaires and reviewing documents while interviews were conducted on the head teachers. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS and inferential statistics were done to establish the relationships between variables while qualitative data from interviews was edited and arranged into themes.



How to Cite

Masayi Dellilah, & Bunyasi Beatrice. (2024). Status Of Utilization Of Hearing Aids (Ha) By Learners With Hearing Impairment In Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 2(7), 86–92.


