Exploring The Impact Of Influencer Marketing And E-Commerce On Consumer Buying Behavior


  • Akshatha Ananth Shet Student, MBA (Marketing), R. V. Institute of Management, Bangalore – 560041, Karnataka, India
  • Adithya Prabhu Student, MBA (Marketing), R. V. Institute of Management, Bangalore – 560041, Karnataka, India
  • Dr. Anupama K Malagi Professor, MBA (Marketing), R. V. Institute of Management, Bangalore – 560041, Karnataka, India




Influencer Marketing, Consumer Buying Behavior, E-commerce, Social Media Platforms


Social media Influencers have become significant players in the marketing industry in recent years, influencing
consumer behavior in ways never seen before. This study explores the complex effects of social media Influencers on the
purchasing habits and decision-making processes of consumers. This paper aims to clarify the mechanisms through
which Influencers exert their influence, the factors that moderate this influence, and the implications for businesses
and consumers alike through a thorough review of the existing literature. The first section of the paper looks at the
theoretical frameworks such as the elaboration likelihood model, social identity theory, and Para social interaction
theory that support influencer marketing. Subsequently, it delves into the diverse tactics utilized by Influencers to
captivate their viewership and stimulate buying choices, including product recommendations, sponsored content, and
affiliate marketing. The study also looks into the demographic and psycho-graphic element such as the importance of
authenticity, trustworthiness, and credibility that affect how successful influencer marketing campaigns are. It also
takes into account the ethical ramifications of influencer marketing, including problems with disclosure, openness, and
consumer deceit. This paper offers a thorough overview of the influence of social media Influencers on consumer
purchasing behaviour across various industries and consumer segments, synthesizing empirical studies and
industryinsights. Additionally, it provides useful advice for companies looking to incorporate influencer marketing into
their overall marketing plan. In the end, this study adds to our knowledge of the intricate relationships that exist
between social media Influencers and consumer behaviour, illuminating the difficulties and opportunities present in
this quickly changing environment.



How to Cite

Akshatha Ananth Shet, Adithya Prabhu, & Dr. Anupama K Malagi. (2024). Exploring The Impact Of Influencer Marketing And E-Commerce On Consumer Buying Behavior. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 2(9), 53–62. https://doi.org/10.61808/jsrt141