Design and Development of Smart Solar Charging Station


  • Dr. Suvarna Nandyal Professor, Department of Computer Science, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi, India
  • Ishikaa S Chawda Student, Department of Computer Science, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi, India
  • Farheen Student, Department of Computer Science, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi, India
  • Nikita V Bhoma Student, Department of Computer Science, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi, India



Solar, Charging Station, Easy Bikes


The easy bike (EB) is an electric vehicle that has quickly gained popularity in India's public transit system. EBs are battery-operated, limited-range vehicles. Long-distance trips on simple bikes frequently need stopping at charging facilities to top out the bikes' batteries. Our administration has significant hurdles in the areas of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and renewable energy. Using a photovoltaic (PV) power generating system and an energy storage system, it presents a cutting-edge commercial charging station for EBs that draws practically all of its electricity from renewable energy sources. In case of grid failure, an emergency back-up mechanism is put in place. Solar energy is converted into electricity and stored in a battery bank using this technique. The batteries are protected from overcharging by a microprocessor, which also disables the device when power is needed to recharge the batteries.
Energy that is replenished over time is called "renewable energy," and it may come from a variety of sources. It offers eco-friendly power that is derived from renewable resources. Increasing renewable energy use will reduce the need for, and the cost of, fossil fuels. Heating, cooking, and electricity generating are just few of the many common uses for solar photovoltaic energy. Electricity costs and losses from charging and discharging will go down if this system is put into place. By charging electric car batteries using solar energy, we lessen the strain on the grid and cut down on emissions. Combining low-carbon PV power production with emission-free EVs may help mitigate the greenhouse gas issue caused by internal combustion (IC) engines. This new solar charging station's output will create renewable energy to charge EV batteries, lowering pollution levels and improving environmental sustainability.



How to Cite

Dr. Suvarna Nandyal, Ishikaa S Chawda, Farheen, & Nikita V Bhoma. (2023). Design and Development of Smart Solar Charging Station. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 1(3), 32–46.




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