The Role of Quantum Mechanics in Solid-State Physics: Theory, Applications, and Future Directions


  • Archana Science Department, Government polytechnic, Kalaburagi, Karnataka India.
  • Sadiya Afreen Department of Science, Government polytechnic, Kalagi,Kalaburagi Karnataka, India.
  • Shakuntala M Sajjanar Lecturer, Science Department, Government polytechnic Bagalkot -587103, Karnataka, India.


Quantum Mechanics, Electrons, Nano Materials.


Quantum mechanics has revolutionized solid-state physics, providing the theoretical foundation for understanding the properties of materials at the atomic and subatomic levels. From semiconductor devices to superconductors, quantum effects play a crucial role in explaining and manipulating the behaviour of electrons, phonons, and other particles in solid-state systems. This paper reviews the significant contributions of quantum mechanics to solid-state physics, including the development of quantum theory for band structures, quantum dots, and topological materials. It also explores the role of quantum mechanics in quantum computing and its applications in energy technologies. Finally, we discuss the future directions of research in quantum materials and the challenges associated with integrating quantum effects into next-generation technologies.



How to Cite

Archana, Sadiya Afreen, & Shakuntala M Sajjanar. (2017). The Role of Quantum Mechanics in Solid-State Physics: Theory, Applications, and Future Directions. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 3(1). Retrieved from




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