Performance Based Seismic Evaluation For High Rise Building With And Without Opening In Different Infill Walls


  • Abhishek Mtech Student, Department Civil Engineering Sharnbasva University, Kalaburagi, India
  • Gajendra Assistant Professor, Department Civil Engineering Sharnbasva University, Kalaburagi, India



Storey Displacement, Storey Drift, Storey Shear, Storey Stiffness, High Rise Building


This abstract describes the results of an ETABS-based research evaluating the seismic performance of high-rise structures with brick and cement block infill walls. Considering the existence or lack of apertures in the infill walls, the study probably looks at the structural behavior of these structures under seismic stresses. The findings may help shed light on how the use of different building materials and wall layouts affects the seismic resilience of tall buildings. The findings indicate which infill wall materials are secure enough for use. When modeling a building, applying loads, or analyzing a structure's performance, ETABS is the program of choice.



How to Cite

Abhishek, & Gajendra. (2023). Performance Based Seismic Evaluation For High Rise Building With And Without Opening In Different Infill Walls. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 1(6), 62–80.