Detection Of Clinical Features Of Covid-19 Patients By Deep Learning Transfer Model


  • Hannan Ahmed Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Veerappa Nishty Engineering College, Shorapur, India
  • Dr. Rajesh K Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Veerappa Nishty Engineering College, Shorapur, India


COVID-19, CNN, VGG19 architecture, MobileNet architecture, InceptionV3 architecture


The first signs of the COVID-19 pandemic were discovered in December of this year. COVID-19 was blamed for 1.4 million fatalities by the year 2020. A worldwide pandemic was declared by WHO because of the large number of fatalities because of COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2. Fever, dry cough, exhaustion, and a diminished sense of smell and taste have been recorded in persons who have been exposed to COVID-19, and many have been admitted to critical care units for urgent intermittent required breathing (IMV). In order to mitigate the damages caused by this epidemic, immediate actions were necessary.
WHO recommends widespread usage of COVID-19 testing to combat spread of such disease. It’s imperative that an automated detection method for COVID-19 detection be developed and used as an alternate diagnostic option due to the restricted quantity of COVID-19 testing supplies accessible in medical institutions. When it comes to the accurate finding of illness, chest Xray is often the first imaging tool used. With the use of computer vision & deep learning, it is possible to identify COVID-19 viruses in chest X-ray pictures. Utilising CNN for photo classification & prediction is being successful due to abundance of large-scale digital image database. COVID19 might be identified from a chest X-ray using an intelligent clinical decision support system (SADC) that is more accessible. That's why we've amassed 566 radiological pictures, all of which have been divided in 3 types: pneumonia-type, & healthy-type. As into experimental assessment, 70% of data were utilized for training and 30% for testing. In addition to the pre-processing, the image is augmented by rotating, flipping horizontally, shifting channels, and rescaling. f1 score of 98.60 percent and a sensitivity of 98.30 percent were reached by the final classifier, making it the most accurate and sensitive. Recognizing COVID-19 in x-ray pictures using the suggested method thus proves its efficacy.



How to Cite

Hannan Ahmed, & Dr. Rajesh K. (2023). Detection Of Clinical Features Of Covid-19 Patients By Deep Learning Transfer Model. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 1(8), 15–27. Retrieved from