The Law of Sedition in India: A Critical Analysis in Light of Freedom of Speech Guaranteed Under the Constitution


  • Swapnil Jayasawal Student, LL.M, Amity Law School, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh



Law, Constitution, Freedom of Speech


The law of sedition has been a contentious issue in India for decades, as it has often been used as a tool to suppress dissent and stifle freedom of speech. This research paper aims to critically analyze the law of sedition in India, particularly in light of the freedom of speech guaranteed under the Constitution of India. The paper will begin with an overview of the law of sedition in India, its history, and its interpretation by the courts. It will then examine the constitutional framework for freedom of speech and expression in India, including relevant case law and international standards. The paper will then delve into the conflicts between the law of sedition and the freedom of speech, analyzing various cases where individuals have been charged with sedition for expressing their opinions. It will examine the arguments for and against the continued use of sedition laws in India, considering their compatibility with democratic values and constitutional principles. Finally, the paper will conclude by proposing recommendations for reforming the law of sedition in India, with a view to ensuring that it conforms to constitutional standards and protects freedom of speech and expression. Overall, this research paper seeks to contribute to the ongoing debate on the law of sedition in India and its compatibility with the fundamental principles of democracy and constitutionalism.



How to Cite

Swapnil Jayasawal. (2023). The Law of Sedition in India: A Critical Analysis in Light of Freedom of Speech Guaranteed Under the Constitution. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 1(2), 11–15.


