Development Of Service Deployment Models In Private Cloud


  • Mohammed Maaz Student, Department of Computer Science, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi, India
  • Md Akif Ahmed Student, Department of Computer Science, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi, India
  • Md Maqsood Student, Department of Computer Science, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi, India
  • Dr Shridevi Soma Professor, Department of Computer Science, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi, India



Cloud computing, Ansible tool, VS code editor


One model for gaining access to computer resources that is gaining popularity is cloud computing. There are three main types of services offered by cloud providers. These include software as a service, platform as a service, and infrastructure as a service. Private cloud computing is defined and its advantages are discussed in this project. After that, we'll go into the features, architecture, and implementation of private clouds. One of the main goals of this project is to provide the groundwork for future research on private cloud computing.Both the private cloud provider's and the consumer's duties are detailed in this project. The server's processing capacity may be used by any user with authorization to run applications, save data, or execute any other kind of computational operation. Since the application no longer requires a specific personal computer to run, users are free to do so from any location within the college grounds; this is because the processing power for the application is provided by a server, which is also accessible via a network that is linked to the internet or other connection platforms. Because of Moore's law, which states that the price of computing power continues to fall as the amount of accessible processing power increases, all of this is now within reach.



How to Cite

Mohammed Maaz, Md Akif Ahmed, Md Maqsood, & Dr Shridevi Soma. (2023). Development Of Service Deployment Models In Private Cloud. Journal of Scientific Research and Technology, 1(9), 1–12.